Rhetorical Analysis Essay On The Catcher In The Rye '

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When Holden attempts to make connections with other people in the city but is unsuccessful, Salinger shows that he focuses too much on what society expects from him rather than what he wants. While Holden walks through the city and pond in the park, he notices ducks. He later takes a cab and while talking with Horwitz the cab driver Holden asks him, “The ducks. Do you know, by any chance? I mean does somebody come around in a truck or something and take them away, or do they fly away by themselves – go south or something?’Old Horwitz turned all the way around and looked at me …‘How the hell should I know a stupid thing like that?’‘Well, don't get sore about it,’ I said. He was sore about it or something. ‘Who's sore? Nobody's sore.' …show more content…

Holden goes to visit his English teacher Mr. Spencer before he leaves for New York. Holden feels sentimental at the beginning of the visit and he goes to visit on his own accord. “I was beginning to sort of hate him. ‘Your essay, shall we say, ends there’ he said in this very sarcastic voice. You wouldn’t think such an old guy would be so sarcastic and all. ‘However, you dropped me a little note, at the bottom of the page.’ ‘I know I did,’ I said. I said it very fast because I wanted him to stop before he started reading that out loud. But you couldn't stop him. He was as hot as a firecracker” (Salinger 12). This is one of the first experiences in the novel that Holden describes. Salinger’s use of a first person narrator shows what Holden is thinking and his thoughts directly explain his dislike for Mr. Spencer. This is a direct way to demonstrate what Holden thinks and clearly displays his bias. Holden then describes Mr. Spencer as “sarcastic” but before he visits Mr. Spencer, Holden describes him as a nice person. Holden’s inconclusiveness displays his indecisive and quickly changing manner. Holden describes Mr. Spencer as being as “hot as a firecracker” which demonstrates Holden’s discomfort and desire to leave Mr. Spencer's home. Toward the end of the novel, Holden visits another one of his teachers, Mr. Antolini. …show more content…

At the end of the novel, Edna ends her life while she is successful. Edna’s past troubles are behind her and, “She was not thinking of these things when she walked down to the beach. The water of the Gulf stretched out before her, gleaming with the million lights of the sun. The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in the abysses of solitude” (Chopin 189). While Edna walks along the coast, Chopin uses the words “these things” to describe Edna’s past troubles, as they are now irrelevant. Their trivial nature is highlighted with the use of “these” instead of directly naming the issues which signifies Edna’s success in life because she has few worries about her decisions. The water of the gulf symbolizes a fresh and clean start for Edna, so she chooses to go to the Gulf. The light also symbolizes and conveys the idea of new things, like a new day, and the narrator describes the scene as having millions of lights which magnifies and exemplifies Edna’s new life. Edna’s change and struggle with change is described as “the human will is often deeply circumscribed by the inseparability of the lives of men and women from the natural and social worlds they inhabit. The naturalistic novel... frequently introduces determinism as a thread among a complex of themes, whatever the

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