Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Humanity Ubuntu

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Ubuntu Chris Abaru argues that Ubuntu is the only way we as humans can be humane (“On Humanity”). He specifies that we cannot be humans without other people (“On Humanity”). Chris also mentions that the only way one can be human is for another person to reflect their humanity back at them (“On Humanity”). Chris is trying to tell us many things such as that humans need each other in order to be fulfilled, to grow and prosper. He is also telling us that we have build Gods that have gotten out of hand and need to be ripped of their title, in order for us to reclaim our humanity (“On Humanity”). Chris says it is really simple although really complicated (“On Humanity”). In order for us as a human race to succeed and flourish we have to one, be that as what we wish to see in another person. In order words, become that example in which we wish to see. As Chris put it “The World is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion, everyday acts of compassion” (“On Humanity”). Meaning it is very simple what we need to do, which is what makes it so complicated. Some …show more content…

To those leaders, I would like to make clear that my family and I take no comfort in your words of rage. If you choose to respond to this incomprehensible brutality by perpetuating violence against other innocent human beings, you may not do so in the name of justice for my husband” (Zinn). The families of these victims practiced Ubuntu as Chris said it best “Only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me” ("On Humanity"). The family members did this by going to Afghanistan to be with those families who have lost loved ones due to the bombings from the United States, which they showed humanity by grieving with these people instead of practicing hate and revenge

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