Rhetorical Analysis: Campus Racism 101 By Nikki Giovanni

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Rhetorical Analysis: Campus Racism 101 In 1994 Renown College Professor Nikki Giovanni published a breath taking book that contains guidance to black college students on how to academically apply their selves in College, and she teaches them how to deal with the ignorance of white people from sharp tonged comebacks to gaining a Professors respect. Along the way The Article “Campus Racism 101” states Giovanni has acquired a tenure, she has a teaching position for life at the predominately white student body Virginia Tech. (Writing on the River 11) Nikki Giovanni’s “Campus Racism 101” gives advice to black students on how to succeed in College, appeals to Giovanni’s credibility, and appeals to the emotions of racism all in order to educate how black College students need to deal with ignorance on a College campus. …show more content…

In Campus Racism 101 Nikki Giovanni states that, “this world cannot allow white students to go through college without interacting with Blacks in authoritative figures.” (Writing on the River 12) The Atlantic Online states that in 1994, the same year Nikki Giovanni published Campus Racism 101, only 11 percent of black people make up the College student body. (Andrew Mcgill) All of these things considering, 1994 was the perfect time to write this article. Giovanni’s personal essay does many brilliant things in her article. She effectively ties in actual questions black students will face, gives advice on how to succeed in college, and gives points on how to gain your instructor’s respect. All of these things she states in the article will help any student in College. The only thing it does not do well is the length of the article. As a whole the article feels like it could have touched on a few more points such as going in a little deeper on the positives of a College

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