Rhetoric On Oscars

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Rhetoric is a way with words which allows a writer or a speaker to persuade an audience to his or her view point. A recent topic in which many public figures and writers alike have come out to voice their opinions is, the Academy awards for the second year in a row having no people of color getting a nomination. This argument has people split between those who are outraged and those who honestly couldn’t care less. On January 28th 2016 Larry Elder wrote an article called, “#OscarsSoWhite -- Biggest Fraud Since 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'” on the controversy for the creator syndicate. He is a bestselling author, lawyer, has had a radio talk show and a television show. Elder’s opinion on the subject is does it matter so what if a person …show more content…

As mentioned before he includes how the Oscars nominations work and gives facts on how many speaking roles blacks have gotten within a seven year span. In addition Elder does incorporate another fact into his writing when he says, “Blacks watch, on average, two hours more of television per day than whites, according to Nielsen ratings, and blacks purchase more movie tickets than do whites, according to the Motion Picture Association of America”. This attributes to the tone being informative because Elder is giving the reader statistics to further understand his point of view. The article is coursing with facts and statics that only a person with his level of experience could ever use to flow into his …show more content…

One device he uses is an allusion in which he mentions Jim Crow and segregation. Even the use of this allusion is factual due to the nature of Elder’s style. He uses Jim Crow to set a time period in history because after this allusion he goes on to list a number of famous racists. Another rhetoric device used is a rhetorical question. This is when he directly asks any the Oscar nominees reading his article, “Which ones did not deserve it? Did they break into the homes of Academy members, carrying guns and disguised with ski masks to make the members vote the way they did?”. Elder uses this device in way that still is true to the nature of his writing because of the way it was sarcastic it made sense and down played the seriousness of the Oscars debacle. Elder also uses an anecdote in which he says, a black actor/director friend of his answers the question to why blacks need to get recognition in film is that the self-esteem of the black children. Elder once again refers to facts and statics about how black children are more confident than white ones there by debunking the line of reason his friend

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