Review of Black Adder VI: Black Adder Goes Forth

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Review of Black Adder VI: Black Adder Goes Forth "Black Adder VI: Black Adder goes forth" is the best of the British

comedy that takes satirical swipes at various epochs of history;

Medieval (I), Elizabethan (II), Georgian/Regency (III), and finally,

in this fourth series, World War I. In each series stars Edmund

Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson, in what is possibly his best performance),

who is sharp of intellect, corrupt and conniving. In each

"resurrection" through these ages, he is accompanied by the dimwitted

Baldrick (Tony Robinson).

While the first series is weak, the ensuing three are excellent, and

the fourth is my particular favorite. Accompanied by his incompetent

subordinates, the eternal Baldrick and the good-natured and stupid,

although surprisingly talented George (Hugh Laurie), Blackadder spends

most of his time attempting to evade going out into the field against

the Germans (as it meant certain death). Thwarting Blackadder's goal

are the loud, dimwitted General Melchett (Stephen Fry) and his "office

boy", the waffly Captain Darling (Tim McInnerny), who is Blackadder's

enemy. The anti-war message in this particular series is clear and

poignant, exposing the futility and inefficiency of the first world


The series is absolutely hilarious, and each episode is excellent.

Rowan Atkinson is stellar as always, but I particularly enjoyed the

performance of Hugh Laurie as George. The actor is most-often cited

for his performance as the prince...

... middle of paper ...

...inions, and I've done nearly 400 now. Although the subtleties of the

British humor may be over the heads of some of you, there is so much

that can't be avoided that you will wonder why you hadn't heard of

this one sooner. The DVD has a special bonus area that will fill you

in on some of the real history involved, just in case you flunked

yours in school. Actually, if you have any kids in high school, this

could be a good way to let them develop an interest in WWI without

ever having to crack a book!

I would love to tell you more, but I can't really do either the jokes

or the sarcasm justice in text. I guess the only way for you to once

again prove what a superb reviewer I am is to get this one and watch

it for yourself. Once you do, you will be willing to kill anyone who

might want to deprive you of it. Go for it....

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