Revenge In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Why do so many people take vengeance into their own hands? Perhaps it gives them a feeling of justice and a way to cope with their injuries. In “The Cask of Amontillado,” the main character Montresor acts out his sweet revenge on an unsuspecting Fortunato. In this story written by Edgar Allen Poe, the author creates a mood of horror and despair to accompany his theme of revenge. First of all, Poe displays his mood of horror and despair through his graphic imagery.First, Peo’s use of horror interests his readers. As an example, Montresor and Fortunato “passes down a long winding staircase,” to reach the bottom of the “damp grounds of the catacombs” which were riddled with bones. This gives the reader a sense of chills due to the moist/soggy grounds with bones throughout the deep dark passageways where no ones been in for half a century. Another way Peo demonstrates his use of despair is to intrigue his readers. When Fortunato found himself at the end of the catacombs, Montresor was “throwing the links about his waist,” which only but “few seconds to secure.” After securing Fortunato, Montresor “uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar” and started “vigorously to wall up the entrance.” These actions support the horrifying mood with the help of Fortunato being drunk from the deceiving …show more content…

Poe uses his strange and somewhat mischievous ways to confuse the readers. For intense, when Montresor gave the attendants” explicit orders to not stir from the house,” and that he “should not return until morning,” they were nowhere to be found. Montresor knew this would occur due to the carnival time and that just what he wanted. Another way Poe explicit his use of his mood through his setting is with the catacombs. For when Montresor and Fortunato “passed through long walls of piled skeletons.” This helps build the mysterious side of the setting and builds the suspense of what may happen in the

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