Retirement Case Study

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Retirement Retirement is one of the most important crossroads we face in life. It involves a fundamental change in lifestyle, one that calls for a totally new outlook on how we approach each day. All our lives we have been conditioned to think in terms of saving for our retirement years. Society has created this mystique about this time in our lives when we magically transform into different people with different lives when really we are the same people with different day to day lives. According to Medina, (2012) planning for retirement isn’t a "walk in the park" because for many people, debts are high while income is low. Many OFW’s after working many years abroad was not prepared for their retirement. Many OFWs leave the comfort of staying in the Philippines and their loved ones behind in search for greener pasture. However, not all Filipinos who go abroad have a clear set plan for their retirement. According to Marquez, (2015) Life as an OFW is not forever. Soon enough, you will lose your strength, perfect vision and hearing. A retirement plan gives you more sense of security knowing that you’ll be okay financially if this time comes. According to Barrios, (2015) Retirement Fund is “real savings” which is meant for long term investment ` …show more content…

The insufficient of retirement plan is the reason why many OFWs go home and still find on the same financial situation. The reasons that the OFW should start prepare for their retirement is that they don’t want to burden their kids with their financial obligation, they would want to spend as much time as they can with their loved ones, and their life as an OFW is limited. A retirement plan gives more sense of security knowing that you’ll be okay financially if this time

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