Retinitis Pigmentosa Case Study

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Vision is an important part of everyday life. Mild to complete vision loss can make living a challenge. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited condition that gradually tunnels field of vision and also leads to retinal degeneration. RP affects about 1 in every 3500 Americans (Openshaw, Branham, and Heckenlively, 2008). Living with RP is possible and people with RP can still have successful lives.
Mutations in at least 60 different genes can cause RP, in turn causing different forms of the disorder (“Retinitis pigmentosa”, 2015). The mutation can also be “influenced by the environment, or interactions with other genes (Openshaw et al., 2008)." There are three ways RP can be inherited, autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance. …show more content…

The disorder later causes blind spots in peripheral vision and soon the blind spots merge to form tunnel vision. After progressing over time, central vision can be affected. Many victims of RP reach adulthood legally blind (“Retinitis pigmentosa”, 2015). There are several ways to test for RP, three examples include a visual acuity test, electroetinogram (ERG), and fundas photographs. A visual acuity test puts a patient 20 feet away from a poster, on the poster are rows of random letters that get tinier after each row. The patient has to read out to the doctor what they think each row contains. This test determines visual accuracy, with a normal score being 20/20. 20/20 vision means one can see what a “normal” person sees at 20 feet. ERG tests “rod and cone function, and is important for confirming a diagnosis of RP (Openshaw et al., 2008).” Sometimes the ERG can show a patient RP is present before symptoms of the disorder are exposed. The test is limited to a few number of centers across the U.S. Fundus photographs use a special camera to “photograph the fundus, or back of the eye (Openshaw et al., 2008).” The eyes must be dilated for the procedure but the test is relatively fast (Openshaw et al., 2008). Complications of RP include cataracts, macular edema (swelling of the retina in the macular area), and in rare cases, vitreous floaters or hemorrhage (ASRS,

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