Response To Tessie Hutchinson's Eulogy

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Tessie Hutchinson’s Eulogy From the perspective of Mr. Summers. Good afternoon citizens of our wonderful town, acquaintances of young Tessie, and family members connected to Tessie. Today we are gathered here to honor a woman of whom I can not speak wholeheartedly, but only with a sense of duty towards this individual. Mrs. Hutchinson helped to better our town, helping daycares to run smoothly and bake sales to run deliciously. Mrs. Hutchinson seemed to be a loving, kind, and devoted mother and citizen, though I was never able to greet her in a manner other than strict business. Let us take this short while to remember this woman as a mere citizen who sacrificed her life to continue a tradition that has stood for centuries. Scared and panicked, the …show more content…

Now I know what you are thinking; why would we forget what happened to Tessie? My friends, why would we remember it? She died in the way a sacrifice would and nothing more. Please, let us remember Tessie as a mother and somewhat wonderful individual, but forget her meaningless death. Every year this occurs, and, well, it just so turns out that this year she was on the chopping block. She needed to pay her dues. Tessie was stoned, menacingly, without a second’s thought. Underneath all of this pain and suffrage, there lingers a sense of understanding, shining a light on the importance of tradition. Tessie seemed to be a great mother, though none of this information shows value now that she has departed. Tessie gave her life so that others could live, one of her most valuable accomplishments. I remember a time when her children knocked a ball through my kitchen window, a somewhat daily occurrence. Mrs. Hutchinson repaid me for my troubles and continued on; she was a kind woman. In addition, the time she gave to the community while running scrumptious bake sales was exceptional. She put the care in daycare. Tessie will be missed, but not needed. Tessie

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