Response To Antigone

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Response to choice A:

Sophocles' Antigone has been considered to an epic drama through out history. It is a tragedy following a specific set of themes. For one, it discusses about the consequences of making bad decisions. In the paragraph provided above, Haemon is talking to his father and also the king, Kreon, arguing why Kreon's actions will carry consequences. Kreon decides to punish his niece, Antigone, by death by stone tomb, and Haemon is trying to explain how this is a bad decision and that Kreon will suffer consequences. In the end, he does suffer the consequences.

This theme of consequence has been repeated throughout the drama. For one, Antigone the character goes against Kreon, the king, in order to provide a proper burial to her dead brother even though she knew that she would be punished. As expected, Kreon finds out her actions after which she was buried alive in a stone tomb. Antigone is responsible for it, she was ultimately buried alive in a stone tomb. Similarly, another instance is the act of Eteocles who did not give his brother, Polyneices, the throne even if it was right. Polyneices, who deserved the throne from his brother but did not receive it, collected and entire army to attack Eteocles. In the end, Etocles died. It shows that Eteocles' bad decision took his own life. Therefore, there are many instances of consequences made using bad decisions throughout Antigone. …show more content…

In the drama, after being defeated in a battlefield, Atsumori the character and his clan run to the river to escape the enemies on the battle ground. However, Atsumori, realizing that he left his flute in the battle ground, decides to go back. It seems that Atsumori is too attached to his flute; as a result, he makes a bad decision to go back to the battle ground alone. In the end, he is killed before he even collected the flute. Therefore, Atsumori's bad decision cost his life --- bad decision is followed by a bad

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