Resistance To Authority Research Paper

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Resistance to authority is part of what helped to form the great nation that we live in today, The resistance to the King and their oppressive laws helped to create the laws that we recognize and live with today. This resistance started peacefully but eventually led to a war that tore the British Colonies of America apart before creating the United States of America. Similar to today, there was undoubtedly resistance to this protest, even when it was peaceful. Today, it seems we are constantly hearing about protests happening across the country. Often the protest start peacefully and with good intentions, but it seems to be increasingly common to have these protests turn violent and destructive. It is during these times of destruction that …show more content…

The divide has left people unwilling and unable to work together, halting the progression of society and creating additional tension. The protesters of the election believe they are engaging in an act of civil disobedience, however by refusing to accept the consequences of the election they are going against one principal point of the definition. Whenever something happens in our society it is important to question the reasoning of the decision, but there comes a time when it is better to build up rather than tear down. If a society has no disobedience it can lead to a single person holding all the power and making all the decisions rather than the power held by the people. However if a society has violent disobedience it can lead to its downfall from within. I believe that Thoreau says it well when he say ¨The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it.¨ To me this truly speaks to how a government needs to be held

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