Reset Button In College

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College: The Reset Button As our senior year is drawing to a close, we are parting our ways. Over the years, we have grown into young adults figuring what is next in store. Everyone has the opportunity to start anew in college. College can be seen as way to re-invent ourselves by hitting the reset button. There are two sides to this. Throughout high school, some students have been stuck with a certain persona in which they wish to change. On the other hand, a student may appreciate the persona they’ve maintained and don’t want high school to end. For example, the introverted kid who always worked alone on class assignments versus the popular jock that threw great parties. They’ll struggle with being stuck in the past and don’t wish to move forward. Eventually, we will all have to hit the reset button, including me. I have already experienced this so called reset button, but there are still some aspects of myself that I want to change and I have an idea of how I’ll reset myself. A certain aspect that I want to change about myself is my leadership skills and how I’ll achieve that in college. However, I’ve already experienced the so-call reset button. …show more content…

Interacting socially with other people were one of my weaknesses ,whether it was in classroom discussions, conversations with individuals, or meeting new people. I was the type of person who mindlessly followed my friends like lost sheep. I didn’t feel included, so I left that group. The next two years of my high school was sent venturing out of my comfort zone and meeting new people. It wasn’t till towards the end of my junior year that I began to change dramatically. Something just clicked and I wanted to express myself more, to have a voice. That click, was the reset

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