Research Paper On White Collar

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White Collar: 15 Things You Didn't Know (Part 1) White Collar is a USA Network television series that aired from 2009 - 2014. Number Fifteen: It Is Loosely Based On Real Life White-collar crime is defined as a financially motivated, nonviolent crime, typically committed by government officials and business professionals. Although many people have committed white-collar crimes, the real life Frank Abagnale Jr., who was a forger and a conman, is arguably the most infamous. White Collar was inspired by his crimes, which also inspired Catch Me If You Can (2002), starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Number Fourteen: American Horror Story (Spoiler-Alert!) Although Kate (Alexandra Daddario) died on White Collar, she’s reunited with former cast-mate (and …show more content…

In real life, her character’s home is the Schinasi Mansion, which was designed by William Tuthill, and completed in 1909. Tuthill, a celebrated architect, also designed Carnegie Hall. The Schinasi Mansion is a designated New York City landmark. Number Five: They Filmed FBI Scenes At the Iconic XYZ Buildings Located on the Avenue of the Americas, the XYZ Buildings were built as part of the Rockefeller Centre expansion in the 1960s - 1970s. White Collar filmed scenes here as if they were outside the FBI building in ‘Deadline’ (season 3, episode 3), when Neal is introduced to Diana’s partner, Christie. Willie Garson (Mozzie) Sex and the City Tiffany Theisen Kelly Kapowski Number Two: Caffrey Can Fake Bonds, But He Can’t Fake Chemistry Caffrey (Bomer) was mad filming the season 1 finale scene where Neal and Alex (Gloria Votsis) were in the pool. It wasn't heated — literally or metaphorically. “It was the one time I saw you real grouchy," creator Jeff Eastin said to Bomer in a 2011 interview at PaleyFest. "I was freezing! Icicles were forming on my nose. I might as well have shot a scene from the Titanic," Bomer

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