Research Paper On Tonya Harding

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Tonya Harding’s Contributions and Achievements Tonya Harding was a tough, rugged, arduous, young girl with a lot of potential in the sport of figure skating. She had an aggressive, fiery spirit that made her stand out from the rest of the skaters. In addition, she had astonishing, breath-taking skills that made history. However, that isn't the only thing that made Tonya go down in history. Tonya had a very competitive nature like no other skater had. She used her ablaze spirit to her advantage winning her many titles. Including, her first national title in 1991, when she won a gold medal at the U.S championships and became the first woman to ever land a triple axel in competition. After this competition, she became a household name …show more content…

Tonya, with her phenomenal skating abilities, landed a spot right outside the podium taking fourth place in the 1992 Olympics right next to her fellow American teammate, Nancy Kerrigan. In the years to follow after the 1992 Olympics Tonya proceeded to thrive and was tied for The best figure skater in the world with her teammate Nancy Kerrigan. She was at an all-time high, and it seemed as though nothing could bring herself or her stupendous skating career down. However, on January 6, 1994, Tonya changed her prodigious skating career for good. Tonya Harding was behind one of the most atrocious attacks in sports history. She was behind a planned attack to take out one of her biggest competitors Nancy Kerrigan from competing in the 1994 Olympics. The hitman that was hired to commit the scandalous act, along with other people that agreed to sabatoshing the young Nancy Kerrigan's Olympic dreams portrayed an attack on the skater right before the United States championship competition. The hitman threw a black police baton at Nancy with a tremendous amount of strength hitting Nancy right in the kneecap, causing her to withdraw from the championships and miss a vast amount of

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