Research Paper On The Road Not Taken

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Everyone Travels a Different Path The poem, “The Road Not Taken,” written by Robert Frost is about the different paths in life that one has to choose between taking. It emphasises the importance of choosing which direction will benefit you more, the path traveled by most or the path less traveled. As you enter into college, remember that everyone is different. You will interact with people who were raised differently than you were and you will be around people who are choosing or have already chosen a different path to take than the one you chose yourself. In “The Road Not Taken,” Frost writes, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both” (1-2). These first two lines in the poem develop the whole theme. A traveler, like yourselves, has to choose which way he or she wants to go in life and whichever way he or she may choose to go, there will always be a sense of wonder about where the other road would have taken the traveler. When choosing where you want life to take you, it is important to remember that you need to do whatever is most beneficial to you. Although many people will try to pressure you into following the crowd and doing exactly what everyone else does, stand out and be your own person. This also means that other people who choose …show more content…

Frost says, “And be one traveler, long I stood / And looked down one as far as I could” (3-4). As Frost stood in the wood, trying to decide which path to take, he tried to see where each path would lead him, but he could not. Nobody knows what their future may consist of because any little thing that you may do can change your future. When new people come into your life, know that they may not be there for long. The person could just be passing through, not meant to stay. Once again, everyone is different. Everyone is traveling a different path and it will lead each and every one of them in a different direction that they will not be able to

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