Research Paper On Spiderman

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Everyone knows Spiderman, the flashy red and blue masked superhero. They all know him by the defying gravity webs that come flying out of his forearm and allow him to jump on walls, climb building, and fight crime. They rarely however look at Peter Parker, the alter ego of the ever so famous Spiderman. He is a very shy, timid, and self-conscious young man. Parker is the everyday nerdy, hopeless romantic teenager. He uses his lack of confidence throughout the blockbuster 2002 movie Spiderman and transforms from the underdog to the fantasy of the everyday little boy. Most superhero’s go through some type of transformation, but Peter’s is unique because of the way it happened.
Parker has always been the reserved nerdy type. Personally, I think that this really spoke to the fan base and made the movie blow up the way it did just due to the fact of how well the audience could …show more content…

Anyone can be anything in their head, “The best heroes are those with hidden hurt and secret wounds- the ones who channel some of their creators’ outsider status and reflect back some of their readers’ insecurity” (Brooker 11). Parker comes from a not so great background, with his mother and father out of the picture. He does not have a lot of friends and is very kept to himself. All of these play in with his main persona, being the underdog. Parker uses all of these characteristics to transform into Spiderman. Parker loves living a double identity because he knows that he can keep his alter ego, being Spiderman, and his everyday life, being Peter Parker, kept a secret. This way he can have the best of both worlds. Peter lives out his normal life at home during the day, but when crime comes out he uses the mask and Spiderman to change. The

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