Research Paper On Raphael Da Urbino

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Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, commonly known as Raphael, was born in 1483, in Urbino, Italy. Urbino was a cultural center that encouraged the Arts, and Raphael’s father, Giovanni Santi, was a painter for the Duke of Urbino, Federigo da Montefeltro. In 1494 Giovanni died, but despite this Raphael never struggled. He took over his father’s workshop, and even from his teen years, his talent was evident and easily surpassed his father's skill. In 1500, Raphael became the apprentice of Pietro Vannucci, also known as Perugino, in Perugia, Italy. In 1504, he ended his apprenticeship and moved to Florence to study and continue his own work. Raphael then moved to Rome in 1508 to paint under Pope Julius II’s patronage. Throughout the rest of his life, Raphael would paint and venture into architecture under the Pope’s patronage. On April 6, 1520, when he was 37, Raphael died suddenly of unknown causes in Rome, Italy. …show more content…

In the court of the Duke of Urbino, Raphael’s father taught him the basic painting techniques and exposed him to the principles of humanistic philosophy. Then in his apprenticeship, Raphael gained both knowledge and hands-on experience under Perugino. In Florence, Raphael was heavily influenced by the works of the Italian painters Fra Bartolommeo, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Masaccio. He would closely study the details of their work and managed to develop a more intricate and expressive style.
Raphael's artworks have many enduring contributions. Raphael’s first enduring contribution, was his ability to create an ideal of perfection, grace, and harmonious balance in his artworks, that would later influence the baroque period. His second contribution contradicts his first, because Raphael's later artworks directly influenced Mannerism, a predominant painting style before Baroque period. Mannerism highlight elongation of the human form, and compositions exhibit a disturbing psychological

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