Research Paper On Pokemon

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However it wasn't until 1999, the popular Japanese franchise Pokemon became extremely Popular in America that anime got acknowledged as its own genre and something different from American cartoons. The success and popularity of Pokemon video games, merchandise and the anime in America made it easier for other anime’s to be brought over. Animes like Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon,and Dragonball were targeted for kids. So anime along with American cartoons were considered a children's show. However, Later on, we get more mature anime that is not really for kids but for the kids who grew up watching Pokemon and decided "hey I still like anime". These anime shows get introduced to Adult Swim, Cartoon Network's late night shows. Anime, therefore, …show more content…

People either consider it as “that Pokemon stuff” or as “that cartoon porn”. Although many still look at anime as just cartoons, it's wrong to define all animations as a genre for kids, or anime as adult porn or as shows one shouldn't watch anymore. American cartoons, either being, movies, TV shows or comics, fall into one of few different categories; silly comedies such as Tom and Jerry and SpongeBob SquarePants, simple diversions for children such as Dora the Explorer, The Simpsons and Southpark which are considered mature comedies and satire for adults; Spiderman and Batman which are action, and superhero adventures or basic family-friendly entertainment like Walt Disney’s movies. Those are all the genres for American animation, it's either children and family entertainment or an adult …show more content…

Even the most out of this world fantastic anime places a strong emphasis on keeping the situations and their characters believable. Many anime shows feature complex fantasy settings that have their own unique setting of history, politics and background complexes for each character. American cartoons, on the other hand, they are not stimulating the degree of realism in the audience or making them believe that what they're seeing could possibly be more than just silly cartoon

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