Research Paper On Moon Landing

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Moon Landings
People are still arguing if the moon landing in 1969 was real or faked by the United States Of America. Some people think it was faked and if they are true this would be very embarrassing to America and NASA. Some think it was real because of some of the evidence they brought back supposedly from the moon's surface but this is my opinion.

I think the moon in landing in 1969 was real because of the rocks they got from the moon's surface and also because with a satellite image of the moon they say an image of tire marks on the surface. I know it could be a satellite or something but what are the chances of that going on that exact spot. And from one of the probes NASA sent up to the moon was found by the astronauts and brought back to NASA. People think that the rocks brought back from the moon was a meteorite from the moon but if it was how would they locate that if it was a meteoroid. And the meteoroid should have turned into dust and just have disappeared when it went into our orbit. And when the rocket was taking off too the moon several other countries said they tracked it to the moon. If we were in a race with them why would they say they even tracked the spacecraft that's evidence that it went to the moon.And one of the countries was the Soviet Union the one country that …show more content…

Why would America build up some much anticipation for this spacecraft and then fake it, they know that if someone finds out that the whole moon landing thing was faked that's going to be embarrassing for them and they know that and the won't want other countries hearing that because they'll think the united states don't have the technology to get there and they might have. And that might cause a war against us because they have more technology than we have and we won't be able to stop them in that

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