Research Paper On Jamaican Culture

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The Jamaican culture is a religion and lifestyle that defines the people of Jamaica. The culture is mixed with different ethnic groups. The society is diverse. There has always been a question about the language spoken in Jamaica. People in Jamaica speak English (from British influence) with a dialect called Patois (Patwa). This language is spoken mostly throughout Jamaica. This language is a combination from different inhabitants in its history. For example first there were The Taino people who were enslaved by the Spanish. After that the British took over until Jamaica finally got its independence. When this happened the Chinese and Indians migrants came to the islands as workers and with ideas. This influenced diversity that had an effect
Christmas is a great time to be in Jamaica. As in other western societies, there is a mixture of religious and secular activities. On Christmas Day, families gather together, and many Jamaicans go to church, even some of the people who been partying all night. Traditional western carols (Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful) are popular, as well Caribbean Christmas songs (Sing de Chorus Clap you Han). Christmas dinner may include ham, roast chicken, and rice and peas. Gifts are exchanged, and although Santa Claus may visit a few children, he is not widely believed in. As Jamaican celebrations go, Easter might be as big, or as long as Christmas. It is preceded by forty days of Lent, during which some Jamaicans abstain from the things they find satisfying. Many give up drinking alcohol, eating pork, or meat altogether. Because of this, more fish tends to be eaten during Lent, particularly on Good Friday which is a fast day for the more religious. Bun and cheese are a must for Jamaicans in the Easter season, and the supermarket shelves are laden with Easter buns of all sizes. Anyone travelling abroad to visit friends or relatives had better show up with an Easter

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