Research Paper On Flowers For Algernon

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If you had the opportunity to be able to achieve a life goal would you? That’s a question Charlie Gordon had to face. In the science fiction story “Flowers for Algernon” written by Daniel Keyes, Charlie Gordon’s I.Q of sixty- eight was tripled and he was able to become a genius, that was his life dream. Charlie choosing to have the A.I sugery was a smart idea. He realized that he had real friends, he got to experience new feelings, and he became a better test taker. After the A.I surgery Charlie realized what real friends are like, before the surgery when people made jokes at work he laughed along with them, he didn’t realize that they were making fun of him. When Charlie came back to work a couple guys would crack jokes and make fun …show more content…

Charlie Gordon had a night school teacher Miss. Kinnian. Before the A.I surgery charlie didn’t see her as a younger woman he saw her as old and just a teacher. After the A.I surgery they started spending more time together and getting to know each other because Charlie was mature enough to get to know her well. He realized he started to get feelings for her, Evidence from the text is “The thought of leaving her behind made me sad. I’m in love with Miss.Kinnian” (Keyes, 234) This proves that he is learning and experiencing new feelings with people and things. Before he was childish and didn’t know what it felt like to love someone or something. Even though his feelings for people/ things last long he still got to experience them and learn to control …show more content…

Before the A.I. surgery Charlie was given two tests The Rorschach Test and The Thematic Apperception Test. These tests helped the doctors analyze his intelligence and personality. He didn’t do very well, but after he did way better. To illustrate this a quote from the story is “We went through the cards slowly. One of the them looked like a pair of bats tugging at something” (Keyes, 232) Before he couldn’t even tell what was happening or what he could see, now he can explain things better and has a imagination. After the A.I surgery Charlie’s test results became better and better. Readers may say that charlie hurt his friends after the A.I surgery. Yes but even though he hurt them they still stayed by his side and continued to be his friend when they could’ve left him. For example he hurt Miss.Kinnian a lot, but she still continued to do things for him like pay his rent and stay his friend even though it hurt her. Readers may also argue that he was being negative about things, That’s proof that he is experiencing new emotions. That should be normal for him to become angry/negative or frustrated, he’s going to keep having those emotions throughout the

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