Research Paper On Erik The Red

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“Erik the Red is a legend of Viking history”

Erik the red was a resilient explorer, he was born in 950 AD and died in 1000 AD. His real name was Erik Thorwaldsson however he developed his fiery nickname due to his temper and red hair. In his homeland of Iceland, Thorwaldsson was recognized as a notorious outlaw. As described by the Collin dictionary (2010) a legend is defined as “a notable person whose deeds or exploits are much talked about in his or her own time and after death”. Although his many indiscretions, Erik still fulfills this definition without uncertainty. There are several prominent primary sources that amplify Thorwaldsson as a legend. These points are evident through Erik the red’s Discovery of Greenland as a result of his …show more content…

Apart from foundering Greenland, Erik also committed a range of crimes, most significantly the manslaughter of his neighbor which consequently resulted in Erik’s banishment from Iceland. Spangenhelm (2017) states that Erik the Red murdered two men he was arguing with. This argument started after some of Erik’s thralls accidentally caused landslide crushing the neighboring farm belonging to Valthjof, for that reason, one kinsmen by the name of Eyjolf the foul and other kinsmen murdered Erik’s thralls. In retaliation Erik the Red murdered Eyjolf the foul and others. After this event occurred (2017) proclaims that some of the remaining kinsmen took legal action hence why in 980 AD he was banished from Iceland for three years. This incident also contributed to Thorwaldsson prominence in Viking history. Therefore, Erik only broadened his fame as a legend through his justified manslaughter. Although his actions being barbaric and merciless, Erik the Red’s behavior resulted in making his name more pronounced in historical …show more content…

After being exiled from Iceland, Erik and his family decided to sail westward, which was unlike many other voyagers. (hakaimagazine, Zack Zorich 2015) They had settled in an unexplored and barren land which they named ‘Greenland’ in the hope of attracting other Vikings and voyagers, as Erik figured an attractive name would make it easier to persuade people to move there. After little exploration (2017) argues that Erik and his family discovered a variety of productive valleys and great fjord setting. After colonizing Greenland and producing a small settlement Erik returned to Iceland three years later and broadcasted his new country. From there Erik the Red’s astonishing navigational marine skills were prominent as he took a fleet of 25 ships back to Greenland with him. The ships carried many men, women and other necessary fundamentals to construct a flowing colony on the land of green. Though only 14 of the 25 ships made it to Greenland he however achieved a successful settlement and become a leader of his newly founded country. Thus, Erik’s traveling skills and ability to start a new establishment highlights his legendary and renowned past as a famous Viking of

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