Research Paper On Conformity

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What led to such disastrous killings like the holocaust? How could people just deny and follow blindly? Just a few question, that flow through everyone's mind every now and then. Looking throughout history I have noticed a pattern in the world which during this year I was given a name for. This word is called conformity, and it leads a stealthy life. You may think that only poor or weak people fall into its jaws but that would be where you’re wrong. Conformity snatches everyone sometime in their lifetime. During the Holocaust people were conforming to the ways of Hitler by not standing up when the jews were taken. This is fear-lead conformity. They were scared they were next and everyone else wasn’t standing up so they would be going against …show more content…

It was great to have a behavioral explanation of why everything in the world happens. Conformity is interesting because not only do people that don’t have power fall in the trap so do wealthy people or people of power. Although people of wealth can fall victim to this that doesn't mean they don’t use this to their advantage. Marketers are paid heavy wages to find out the social normal for the area and start a campaign on how much you need this item or you’re not normal. People strive their whole lives to be the word normal because of conformity. Looking back on when you were a kid and you were called a name, maybe even different, it stung. You grow up remembering that sting and trying to fix what ever mistake has made you different, not caring if it you completely destroy yourself because it hurt to be called different. That is conformity. Now not all of conformity is bad. If a rebellious kid that doesn’t try hard in his studies befriends a group of people that have great grades and always push themselves to the limit trying to better their grades. The rebellious kid might feel the urge to conform and start doing better in school. Just remember with conformity it's okay to an extent don’t conform to where you lose whats

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