Research Paper On Christmas In Canada

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What are some Saints people celebrate at Christmas time in Canada? Canadians have very different Christmas traditions than Americans. The purpose of this essay is to inform the reader on how Canadians celebrate Christmas in a complete, thorough, and accurate way.
During Christmas time the weather gets very cold in Canada. The temperature is always 20℉ or less the whole month of December. Because of this, local train stations are often shut down for a few weeks. The train tracks have to be treated with a coating that doesn't let them freeze. Although it is always snowy and cold, the activities Canadians enjoy don’t change because Canada is like that all year. All of the different snow plows are working all day to keep the streets safe …show more content…

One popular tradition that people do on Christmas Eve in Nova Scotia is called a belsnickle. A belsnickle is when someone dresses up in a unique or strange Santa Claus outfit and go door to door until the homeowner can guess who is in the costume. In the Province of Newfoundland many people have a tradition called Mummering. When someone mummers they dress up in costumes and go to homes and say phrases in a disguised voice. The mystery person might say something like, "Are there any Mummers in the night?" or "Any mummers allowed in?’” This usually means, “Are mummers allowed in the house?” If the mummer is let in he or she will sing and dance and will eat Christmas cake and have something to drink. A festival called the Snick Tuck was created by the Inuit people and celebrated throughout Canada. During the festival there is dancing and gift exchanging. Some traditions tie straight into Canadian religions. On Christmas many people clean their homes to honor Saint Philip. Canadians have twelve meals in the Christmas Season representing the twelve lunar Cycles and the twelve DIsciples of Christ. Some religions say that Christkindl, or Christ Child, bring the presents and not Santa Claus. Canadian Christmas traditions are unique and tie into their

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