Role Of British Imperialism In The War Of The Worlds, By H. G. Wells

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During the time in 1897 when H.G.Wells wrote “The War of the Worlds” the British Empire was in there most aggressive time and they had been gaining land and followers and people. They had just taken over a large amount of territory and was considered the top country in Europe at the time. It was not until “The War of the Worlds” that literature had turned imperialism on its head. Causing the British to be in the victim position and have a dominating force with more advanced technology then our own making an imperialist stand and turning the idea of imperialism completely around. But what was it that the Martians and British imperialism have in common and what does that say about Wells’s view on the Empire?

At the time of imperialism one …show more content…

Both the Martians and the British had the similar notion at the time that as far as it stood technologically they were more advanced over everyone else. During the time of British imperialism one of the huge things that the British military bragged about was their advancements in technology. They believed that their advancements in technology made them superiorly above the other nations because they would be able to use weapons that their opponents didn’t have essentially getting the upper hand. Just as in Wells “The war of the worlds” the Martians had advanced technology that the humans did not have. This gave the Martians the upper advantage on the British and essentially their technology was what allowed them to have the ability to take over against the humans. Just as the Martians used their technological advancements against us to hold the human’s prisoner so they could continue to conquer and sustain themselves the British did the same. The British used their technological advancements against Africa to help rule over the African’s until such time that they were over thrown in a …show more content…

As the reader and it can be inferred that Wells tends to take a negative outlook on the idea of British imperialism. When the passage in the book suggest for the reader not to judge the Martians too harshly as the British have done the same in their need for survival it suggest that Wells may see what the British have done to sustain their life style just as barbaric as the Martians. Wells wrote “The War of the Worlds” as a way for the reader to get a first-hand look at what it is like to be on the other side of the story. He wrote it with the British Empire as the victim subject to the hierarchy of another species that was willing to eradicate them for survival. It was written in a way to turn imperialism on its head and give the readers kind of an inside look to the way things were. It gives the readers of his time period and sense to take a moment and think that there are possibly other forms of life or even other humans that could be above the British Empire. But even if nothing were to happen to the British Empire at the time it gives the readers a fear that just that easily they could be lead into anarchy and chaos if they let their boldness and belief they are more advanced the better of

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