Research Ethics: Ethics And Ethics In Research?

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Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct of biomedical research, qualitative research scientific research ,health care research or any other researches. In addition, research ethics educates and monitors scientists conducting research to ensure a high ethical standard. It involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to a variety of topics involving research, including scientific research .Ethics are important in research as they provide researchers with guidelines of avoiding plagiarism, and how to list authors that a researcher would have used and they allow for the sharing of data and they protect and minimize human risk for participants involved in research and they protect and respect human rights in …show more content…

Plagiarism is the act of passing off somebody else’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, theories, words, or stories as your own. The Indiana University website provides the following advice to avoid plagiarism. A researcher preparing a written manuscript should cite the original source if he or she: “Quotes another person’s actual words, either oral or written, Paraphrases another person’s words, either oral or written, Uses another person’s idea, opinion, or theory and or Borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge. This when followed makes one to avoid plagiarism. For example, Patrick is publishing her first article that builds on the research of a similar project he did three years prior with his colleague, Shawn. In Patrick’s current article he has placed a graph from the article he and Shawn co-authored about their previous research. Shawn created the original graph. So Patrick have to site the previous article because he is using the ideas of another person. Even though the graph came from an article he himself worked on, he should appropriately cite the prior publication to show that the data and results depicted in the …show more content…

This ethic is important as it ensures planning on how to reduce participant harm and this is also mentioned by Sales and Folkman (2000) on the issue of ethics in research with human participants.. For example dissertation research should not harm participants. Where there are high chances of participants getting hurt there must be strong justification fro this since a researcher does not intentionally go out to cause harm. So it is the risk of harm that a researcher should try and minimize and in order to do so a researcher should obtain informed consent from participants, protect the anonymity and confidentially of participants, avoid deceptive practices when designing a research and providing the participants with the right to withdraw from a research at anytime. For example, Micheal’s physician has asked him to participate in a research project. What should Micheal know before he consents? Micheal should be asked first to consent to participate in the research project. The consent process should tell him everything he needs to know about the project including: possible risks, expected benefits (when applicable), and protections for his privacy and confidentiality. If Micheal’s physician doesn’t explain these things thoroughly to Micheal, he should request more information or reconsider his participating. Micheal should only consent to participate if he understands all the information as

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