Remember The Titans Argumentative Essay

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Robert Griffin III once said that "Football is football. Talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference." A based on a true story Disney film, Remember the Titans showed how a diverse football team became one. Disney wanted to make a feel good movie but they left out a few key points for a white and black high school football team come together. This being said, I believe Remember the Titans was not an accurate movie because of the racial issues, how the football scenes were depicted, and the climax of movie were not portrayed the same in real life. The movie was filmed in Alexanderia, Virgina where a town loved the game of football. It starts out as protestors standing outside of T.C. Williams High School on the first day of school. According to ESPN it wasnt like that at all, yes people were upset that the school was becoming integrated, fights abrawled but not to a point where people where picketing it. In a Reel Life article Jeff Merron states, "My friend Bill Yoast ... told me Disney had taken liberties with the facts, suggesting an overheated atmosphere of racial animosities and fears at the school and in the community that just hadn't …show more content…

Gerry Bertier was a captain, starting line backer, and the team leader of T.C. Williams football team. Bertier was coming home from the fall sports banquet were he just recieved Most Valuable Defensive Player award. He was driving his mothers Camaro and it went out of control striking a fire hydrant and sending it into the ditch. There Gerry was sent to the hospital and was paralyzed from the wasted down. Later determined the engine had a major malfunction stated in the Chasing the Frog article on Remember the Titans. In the movie this scene was told that the accident happened before the championship game but in reality it happened after. Gerry did play in the Championship game along side his fellow

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