Remember The Titans

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Film through history has had a powerful effect on culture. People have used this media to make statements and try to create conversation for years. The film ‘Remember the Titans’ is no different. This film shows the viewer the reality of the struggle for black Americans trying to gain equality and to live peaceful, normal lives, and simply attain the “American Dream”. Remember the Titans reinforces the text when it references assimilation goals, increasing resources and the importance of coalitions.
Remember the Titans is a true story of Coach Herman Boone. He is a black coach and is chosen, by the school board because they are forced to de-segregate schools, to be the head football coach at TC Williams High School in Alexandria, VA in the …show more content…

At one point the white player, Bertier became a good friend of the African American player, Campbell. Bertier invited Campbell over to his family’s house for dinner. First of all many people were openly staring and worried about a “black boy” walking in their neighborhood. Then Bertier’s family reacted in an awful way and was very clear that Campbell was not good enough to be in their home. I never realized how honestly difficult it was for a black man in a “white” society. I saw that and had much more respect for those who stood for civil rights. I also learned how hard it was for a white person who friended a black person. They were judged and often times ostrasized as well. This film definitely changed the way I saw the civil rights movement and the reality of what they faced in trying to get their rights. As far as motivation, I made sure my kids saw it and we had conversation about the film. I really believe if I lived during that time I would be a friend to the black man. I would march along side of them and fight for their rights as well. I think today they are faced with many of the same attitudes but it is not as prevelant. I believe the south still has the deep seated belief that African Americans are inferior. I also think there are blacks that are prejudiced against white men or people. I think in the end people need to treat others as they want to be treated and think before they act.

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