Remedial Education Essay

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Summary Quite a few high school students who are preparing for college are surprised to find out that they have failed college placement tests and they have no other choice but to enroll in remedial courses. This roundabout route from college level education can and will cost students both time and money. By helping each and every student pass remedial courses and successfully enroll into college level courses can significantly increase or improve their chances for success and rise college completion rates. Remedial Education refers to classes that are taken on a college campus that are below college level. Students who are enroll in remedial courses will have to pay for tuition, however, they do not receive college credit for these classes, …show more content…

“New programs are emerging in which scholars and practitioners collaborate on the development of models of instruction that hold promise for improving the college readiness of unprepared students” (Torraco, 2014). There are several methods that are used among postsecondary institutions to help determining which students are placed in remedial education such as ACT, SAT and CPT to decide if students are qualified to enroll in college level courses. The author claims that the new and improved programs such as Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST), Breaking Through and Opening Doors will assists scholars and practitioners to help students quickly increase their learning skills to move up to college level education. “The researcher becomes immersed in the classroom environment-the ebb and flow of teaching and learning: listening to students’ questions and to lively discussions; facing embarrassing silence; experience discovery, frustration, and other everyday classroom activities” (Torraco, 2014). Students tend to find themselves overwhelmed after arriving at college academically unprepared, if the new I-BEST program …show more content…

I thought that I was fully prepared for a college level education until I took the college placement test. I discovered that some of the curriculum from high school did not enhance my learning skills or help me to gain the knowledge that I needed to succeed in college level courses. When I had taken the college placement test at Seminole State college, it shows that I had to take some remedial courses to help me to gain the knowledge that I need to do well in college level courses. When I read the article on “Remedial Education: An Area in Need of Scholar-Practitioner” it changed my opinion on remedial education. Everyone including adults who have never taken ACT, SAT or other test to see if they are academically ready for college level courses should take remedial classes to help them better prepare for college courses. I used to feel embarrassed because I had to take remedial classes, but it is nothing to feel embarrassed about because in the end, it help increase my knowledge on certain courses that are required for college level

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