Relocation Case Study

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Relocation A relocation process is often accompanied with emotional and physical changes for the expatriate. At this state of time it is increasingly important for the managers to have their employees, e.g. the dual career couple, prepared for a cultural and environmental change beforehand in order to avoid misunderstandings. The different effects of relocation can cause satisfaction or dissatisfication. For example, for the husband the relocation could open up new opportunities and a higher salary, whereas for the wife it must not necessarily mean better working conditions (Eby et al., 2002). Therefore accompanying partners may experience losses of status, lower pay or having less opportunity to climb up a career ladder (Eby, 2001). When a dual-career couple is asked to transfer to a new work site, it has to face a crucial career decision, because it implies a sacrifice for the family (Reiche, 2013). Most of the times this decision leads to 3 results: 1. One spouse has to renounce the promotion to avoid disruption of the other’s career; 2. One spouse accepts the promotion and the other one ends his/her carrier; 3. The company tries to obtain a horizontal move for the spouse of the promoted employee. The company, which cares about the dual-career family, can try to reduce the impact of a transfer in 3 different ways: (1) …show more content…

Due to higher education levels, women’s career ambitions and seek for equal happiness at home and at work. Couples with non-traditional gender beliefs see each other more as co-providers with equal rights (Rusconi et al., 2013). It has been suggested dual-career couples make their own decisions about their careers affected by gender circumstances. It means that men and women choose their careers in different ways when they face with the need to coordinate the careers of two partners (Eby et al.,

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