Religious Exclusivism And Monotheism

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Many times Religious exclusivism is the aftermath of monotheism, and both share a great amount of connections to each other. These two different named aspects share the same view of life as each other, but could not be more different then the idea of democracy and its intensions. Therefore conflict arises, and the question is asked which view is better? In the end all that counts is the one, which makes life better for the general public.

First lets start off with religious exclusivism and what it consists of. This concept includes proposition or the beliefs that there is only one religion that is in fact true. It’s a very straightforward form of close-minded thinking, and negative attitude in the non-belief of other religion across the globe. It teaches, and enforces followers or by standards that only those who accepted there faith will end in heaven to enter the golden gates. Others who consider other religions will be convicted to eternal damnation or in simple terms sent to hell or in any form of that word. This system is seen in some religions, which are Abrahamic, as well as some Jewish traditions. Most surprising was seeing that Christianity was one of them. Now being a Christian I always knew that there were some dark sides to the church, but to read that those who follow to their version or understanding of faith would reach heaven, but those whom are outside of the church would end up in hell is unreal. Going to church for many years I always thought that the church was inviting to new ideas and that there doors would always be open, but even if this is true does it not come with a price? For some giving up a belief is life changing which can be positive or negative. Religious exclusivism was used to rationali...

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... as different religions, there are so many. Now think of all the people who are members or in our case have accounts to these sites. All the creators of these sites want more people to join and start following others on there creation so they will make people of power join so that they can feed there feeling of being supported. This is exactly like the people who started these ideals that there can only be one god or you can only follow one type of religion they were in a time where power was everything, and what is the best way to get this power by telling a group of human that after there hard lives here on earth they will never rest in peace and probably go to hell. Both share the threat factor as well. There are political aspects that do not coincide with these two different topics of religion, and one that is very opposite sided is democracy and its intentions.

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