Religion And Science Does Not Improve God By Amir D. Aczel

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Science and Religion Working Hand in Hand
“Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.” (Martin Luther King Jr). Throughout history there has been a conflict between science and religion when there should be more understanding and acceptance. There is a lack of understanding about how the two unique subjects work hand in hand. Although some may say that religion and science should not coexist due to there being proof that there is no god, it is argued that science has not reached the level to prove that a god does not exist.
For over 250,000 humans have been worshiping …show more content…

They are a mixture of people with different backgrounds who mainly believe in science and agrees that there is no old man in the sky. In the book Why Science does not Disprove God written by Amir D. Aczel, he disagrees with famous atheist Richard Dawkins in trying to prove that science and religion can coexist. Dawkins remarks that, “there is no shred of evidence for any of the stories of the Bible” (50). Many people still believe that the scrolls were fabricated to match the bible but the scrolls themselves were pulled out of ancient tombs. In response to Dawkins, Aczel states that, “Biblical archaeology is a thriving field, which has brought us trovers of evidence for ancient settlements in the Holy Land and for some of the scriptural events that took place there” (50). Beside not believing that the scripture in the Bible is not real, many atheists are atheists due to them wondering, “why would a religion that is supposed to help people tell its followers to harm innocent people”? In a 2016 debate on Al Jazeera TV in Islam, Richard Dawkins argues why some people are atheists. He states that there is a line between having good faith and being an extremist who does suicide bombings and flying planes into skyscrapers. These people believe that they are doing good under their religion. He states that religion is evil and something that tells its followers to do bad should not exist. By making a broad statement that all religion is evil, he claims that all forms of religion are evil, not just the Islamic extremist group who was in charge of the plane crash to the World Trade Center. There are many good religions around the world who are doing good for the world around them. People like Dawkins believe that science and religion are a toxic mix and that the two should not be

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