Reliability and convergent validity of the Cleanliness Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Scale

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Background and Rationale Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychiatric disorder, formulated of unwanted and repeated thoughts leading to extreme and obsessive behavior to avoid those thoughts. People who have OCD will never be satisfied regarding their cleanliness, always thinking they are not clean enough. Antidepressants are used as a common medication for this disorder. Although patients usually wait for years before they seek medical help, they deny at first that they have problem. It may be the most debilitating anxiety disorder. Patients could have it in early adulthood or late adolescence; they can develop it at any age – even in childhood. Frequent cleaning and washing are the most common and recognized symptoms in the obsessive-compulsive cleanliness disorder. People who have OCD are trying, by way of extreme cleaning acts or avoiding touch things directly, to avoid harm, illness and contamination: for example, they avoid touching door knobs without a napkin, and engage in extreme hand washing. It is also common to see people with OCD have raw skin, avoiding shaking hands, ...

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