Reincarnation And Religion

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When looking beyond what science can tell us, we are faced with thousands of theories and ideas considering where our consciousness or souls could wander to. Many people subscribe to the idea of a paradise waiting for our souls after this world which has been build by the same creator of Earth. Typically, this perfect resting place is referred to as heaven, paradise, nirvana, etc. If you were to ask one thousand people what heaven is, you would likely get one thousand different answers, but they would all likely describe a place filled of loyal religious followers who have lived their life doing good. Heaven is typically described as a place of no worries, pain or stress. Looking at the Christian faith, they see heaven as a place where they …show more content…

Not all religions which believe in reincarnation believe in an eventual eternal resting place for the soul, but sometimes the two believes intertwine. Many people who do not subscribe to any particular religion or belief system may still believe in reincarnation as an explanation to afterlife and origins of the soul or spirit. Reincarnation is simply the idea of the rebirth of a soul in a new body or entity. Reincarnation in many religions explains not only the questions concerning where the soul or consciousness moves on to after death but discusses origins of the soul and consciousness as well. The belief in reincarnation after death is seen in several religions, much like the belief of heaven and hell after death. In the same way, through various religions and beliefs, reincarnation is seen differently by many people. It is ultimately another belief in the journey of our soul or the continuation of our consciousness beyond this life or the human experience. Many ancient religions believed this concept. Plato described how the soul would be born into several bodies experiencing several lives in order to perfect the soul over years of experience. Brahmanism is similar in this belief that through reincarnation, the soul evolves. Brahmanism teaches that after each death there is a judgement determining if the soul moves on to a higher existence being a heaven like experience, a lower existence being a hell like experience, or back to human life. Hinduism teaches that the soul will reincarnate, not necessarily always into a human being, but into different lives. When the soul reaches perfection overcoming karma, as mentioned previously, the soul can break through the cycle and enter heaven. Sikhism is similar in teachings and believes that the soul must go from life to life to achieve a union with God through this perfection process. This process will continue

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