Reimbursement Analysis

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Reimbursement Analysis For Innovative Corrective Helmet For Pediatrics:

A corrective helmet, my innovation for the appraisal and treatment of pediatric head trauma will be utilized on both inpatient and outpatient premise. According to a doled out textbook, Inpatient implies when a patient is expected for a hospital stay of 24 hours or an increasingly or an overnight remain. While outpatient implies regularly patients released around the same time of admission. Be that as it may, as of recent CMS has posted “two-midnight rule” i.e. patient ought to be dealt with as an outpatient until three calendar days of hospital stay. In this way, contingent upon the severity of head injury, the basis as either in/out-patient for utilization of my innovative …show more content…

In some cases, Insurance agencies (Private/Government) collaborate with patient & his family to obligate a treatment and the charges are settled later. Location of Procedure: As it consists of wearable technology, generally surgery is not advised. But in case of creation of a terrible head trauma, framework of treatment incorporates surgical inclusion within inpatient hospital setting. Intensive Care Unit(ICU) is often utilized in the performance of surgery within the specialist’s facility setting.

Covering Decisions: Looking over applicable coverage determination that exists and to find the fitting codes and extends of codes to find firmly related data was extremely troublesome. I recuperated information respect to “ICP(Intracranial Pressure) Monitoring”. ICP is the prime factor responsible for the function of my innovation and is the basis for the monitoring of Pediatric head trauma. This information includes favorable positions arrangements covers inpatient hospital settings and specialists’ …show more content…

A8001 - Helmet, with a hard interface, pre-assembled, defensive, other components & accessories.
A8002 - Helmet, with a soft interface, custom pre-assembled, defensive, other components & accessories.
A8003 - Helmet, with a hard interface, custom pre-assembled, defensive, other components & accessories.
L0112 - Cranial cervical orthotic, innate torticollis, presence/absence of soft interface’s material, custom assembled.
L0113 - Cranial cervical orthotic, torticollis, presence/absence of soft interface’s material, custom assembled incorporates fitting & change.
S06.2x9a - initial encounter, diffuse traumatic injury, loss of consciousness, an undefined period for loss of consciousness.
S06.309a - initial encounter, focal traumatic injury, loss of consciousness, an undefined period for loss of consciousness.
S06.889a - initial encounter, defined traumatic injury, loss of consciousness, an undefined period for loss of consciousness.
S06.9x9a - initial encounter, an undefined traumatic injury, loss of consciousness, an undefined period for loss of consciousness.


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