Rehabilitated Drug Addicts

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Rehabilitated Drug Addicts Can Return To Normal Social Life Rehabilitation is a process and a journey required by a drug addict to transform into a normal individual who is able to lead an ordinary life. It is a life-long progression for an addict and entails a tremendous level of emotional support, love, understanding and patience. Converting to a new individual after long periods of substance abuse is not a small feat. Gorski and Miller expressed that ‘the recovery phase is usually a painful experience faced by a drug addict, as he or she perseveres through the withdrawal process, which is usually an emotional wrenching experience, as the drug addict is trapped between two worlds” (21). Rehabilitated drug addicts can return to conventional …show more content…

Returning to a normal social life means change of routines and activities, since it is essential for a rehabilitated addict. Given the nature of the substance abuse, it is an extremely difficult transition which is delicate, as lack of new ways of doing things may easily result into the druggie sliding back to the old substance abuse lifestyle. Moreover, any social setting where a reformed drug addict is exposed to alcohol or any form of substance that can easily induce and reactivate psychological “remnants” of drug abuse should be avoided at all costs. The renewed drug abuser should refrain from social activities which might reactivate substance abuse. They should develop new healthy boundaries to prevent them from going back to substance abuse. Alternatively, recovering addicts may engage in a new social activity or activities, which they find fun and interesting, away from the traditional social settings which involve alcohol and other forms of drugs, depressants or stimulants (Miller, Gorski and Miller). It is also crucial at this stage for the involved individual to be in a recovery program to avoid any relapse. Religiously attending recovery programs and follow-up programs from therapy will provide the much needed level of support essential for a reformed drug addict to return to a normal social life. Recovering from substance abuse require concerted efforts, community support and follow-up programs that are effective channels of on-going rehabilitation and recovery process

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