Registered Sex Offender

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Adrienne Visintine Mrs. Muus Contempt and Literature 5 December, 2016 The Different Degrees of being a Registered Sex Offender

What makes a person a registered Sex Offender? In order to be a registered sex offender a person would have to commit a crime of ranging from urinating in public to raping a person. If a person is considered a sex offender there are three different Tier Offenses and two different levels. Each Tier Offense has a certain set of mandatory rules to follow through with. Tier I Offense (Level 1 Sex Offender) a person is typically known for a “non-violent nature with persons of the age of majority. Tier I offenses include registration in the Sexual Offender Registry for a minimum of 15 years, with verification on …show more content…

The different acts that can be considered Tier I are: “public indecency, voyeurism, possession of child pornography, and sexual contact without consent” ("What is a Registered Sex Offender?"). The acts that qualify under Tier II are: “any new offense perpetrated by a Tier I sexual offender, trafficking of minors for the purposes of sexual activity, transportation of minors for the purposes of sexual activity, using intimidation to elicit sexual activity, using bribery to elicit sexual activity, any sexual acts with persons between the ages of 12-15, any sexual contact with persons between the ages of 12-15, any sexual offenses where the offender has a position of authority over the victim, such as a parent or guardian, or those with temporary custody of the child, such as a babysitter or teacher, prostitution of minors, production or distribution of …show more content…

The acts that are considered Tier III are: any new offense perpetrated by a Tier II sexual offender, most sexual assaults, sexual acts where force was used on the victim or the victim was under duress, sexual acts where the victim is rendered unconscious or impaired through the use of drugs or alcohol, sexual acts where the victim is under the age of 12, sexual acts where the victim is unable of consenting to the act due to mental impairment or disability, sexual acts where the victim is unable to physically decline the act, sexual acts where the victim communicates their unwillingness to participate in the sexual act, and any plans to commit or attempt to commit any of the above” ("What is a Registered Sex Offender?"). Once you become a sex offender your life is swept beneath you. Every single movement is watched and alerted, such as “if you are a local sex offender and you move into a new home in a new community the police notify the public and/or if they think the offender poses a risk of reoffending” (Dirr). The worst case scenario would be if you knew you lived next to a sex offender, but you did not know if they peed at your

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