Regime Types: The Relationship Between Democracy, Communism & Authoritarian Regimes

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Democracy’s major focus is on the freedom and representation of the people, along with the promotion of a the fluid free market system. “One man, one vote” being one of the inspirational quotes used to demonstrate the democratic outlook on the liberty within the government; and its ability to establish and make decisions based upon the will of the people. However, like our textbook, “Introduction to Comparative Politics,” points out, “No country fully satisfies all these criteria for democracy. Even in long established democratic states, there remains a gap—often a substantial one—between the aspirations and ideals of democracy and the practice and results of any actually existing democracy.” Furthermore, despite efforts to amplify this political system as a proper means for representation and freedom in other countries, various authoritarian regimes now present themselves under the guise of democratic political ideology in order to gain power. In other words, many countries and their political regimes claim to be democracies and use this word in order to gain political favor and political power. Former President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, promised his country fair elections and suggested that his regime was a democracy. However, during Nasser’s time in office, fair or true elections were never held. These actions resonate with a number of authoritarian leaders that utilize the social meaning of ‘democracy’ in order to reach a place in office. And while many countries strive to become democracies, it’s not always a possibility. The Arab Spring has involved many countries, throughout the middle east, vocalizing their desire to have a political democracy. But since the passing of these revolutions, there has yet to be a succes... ... middle of paper ... ...luntary, authoritarian right is not. However, though authoritative regimes have the right to exist, it is also considered, now, to be generally immoral; and, combats ideas of personal freedoms and individual rights. Thus, many countries have adopted and manipulated ‘democracy’ in order to reach authoritarian goals. Democracy stands apart from other types of regimes in that it generates freedom, promotes true and fair representation, and encourages self expression. Both communism and authoritarian regimes can become corrupt through the smothering of these individual freedoms. The denial of true representation for the people can stifle socioeconomic goals and development born from invention and innovation. The stigma on authoritarian regimes have become strong enough where currently, countries are self-pronounced democracies with little to no truth behind it.

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