Refugee In Inside Out And Back Again

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If a refugee is moving to a new country, they are afraid of racism, and discrimination, as anyone would be in anew place, around people they don’t know. Some will try too hard to fit in, or will hide certain things about themself so that they don’t have to worry about anyone making fun of them for it, or worrying anyone else.When Ha first went to her new school, she hid in the bathroom because no one matched her race, or culture, so she hid, fearing the pain of not fitting in. Brother Khoi hid his emotions because he did not want others to worry, or make them sad, so he decided to stay quiet. Everyone hid one emotion or trait from others, or hid from their peers because they feared what would happen, or feared worrying others. Every refugee goes through a point of identical confusion, or identical fear, just like how Ha felt in the book Inside Out and Back Again, by Thanhha Lai.
When first moving to a new location, a refugee may tend to lose the image they had of themselves. …show more content…

Most refugees take some time to find themself after moving, as all the new things confuse them, but they figure it out and can end up doing amazing

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