Reflective Letter Essay

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Reflective Letter.
On the first day of class I wasn’t sure on what to expect from EH 123 course, but I kept my mind open. With this being my first year of college I was really nervous. I had many thoughts going on like “What if I fail?” or “What if the professor doesn’t like me”. I thought I was not confident enough to handle the subject. Since my first language is not English writing in English became one of my biggest fears. Writing in English has always been a demanding task for me but I knew it was one of the most important subjects to apply higher education.
When the semester started I was avoiding courses that involved writing assignments because I considered myself bad at it. I assumed that the work we were to be assigned was beyond hard because of what I heard of my teachers from High School. Now that I go back and think about it, they were just preparing us to a higher level of writing and developing new skills.

It took me a while to realize that it was possible to do well in college English if you put your best effort on it. It was hard for me because in High school I procrastinated a lot and I didn’t try hard to get good grades, but as soon as my freshmen year started, I began to

Vallejo 2

think that If I stayed focused on my work and grades I could achieve greatness. That’s what I did for the whole …show more content…

The two papers I submitted reflect my culture and the American culture because in the first one I could write about something I already knew and second one I had to make interview and research to get it done. My topic was football and how I was and outsider of that culture when I first came to Maine. I learned why it means so much to Americans and could have and idea of the passion they feel for it. When I finished my of football I ended up liking it and I cant wait for the next football season here in Husson to

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