Reflective Essay On Rock Island Southern Lagoon

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John Manzione
Reflective essay
Mr. Ross
Rock Island Southern Lagoon The Rock island southern lagoon is heightened by a complex reef system. The 445 uninhabited limestone islands are all volcanic origin. Many of the islands, displays unique mushroom like shapes in turquoise lagoons surrounded by coral reefs. The islands sustain a large, diverse city of plants, birds and marine life. There are the remains of stonework villages, as well as burial sites and the rock art. The abandonment of the villages in the 17th and 18th century illustrates the consequences of climate change. The rocky islands first seemed like any other islands. The island looked to be isolated from any other location nearby. All the limestone islands are separated by coral reefs. Each island has its own turquoise lagoon to it. Outside of the island are deep waters surrounding …show more content…

This area is in Koror State and their management is of high respect and has well known standards. The management objectives and priorities are defined in the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Plan. There is both a legislative framework and arrangements of management that are conductive to protect and maintain the values of the property. The Historical and Cultural Preservation Act of the Republic of Palau protects the cultural sites of the islands under Title 9 ‘Cultural Resources’. The long term protection and management's requirements for the property include the need of maintaining access restrictions to vulnerable areas for anyone other than the management, the prevention of negative impacts from tourism, ensuring visitor numbers are within the amount of capacity of the island properties, and mitigating adverse effects from development of infrastructure and facilities in

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