Reflective Account On Mental Trauma

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I am most grateful for you helping me with my healing process and suppling me with the tools to cope with the PTSD I am struggling and suffering with from the assault and life threatening experience I suffered while at work on September 13, 2017. It appears that my physical injuries (shoulder) is the only injury the insurance adjuster is focused on because the treating doctor that I was going to at that time never considered the mental trauma I am experiencing. I was told by Dr. Hatley it was the medical report from Dr. Glass and yourself that he understood my diagnosis and he was able to write the DWC FORM -73 that declared that at this time I am not able to return to work. I received a called from Darlene Minor the insurance adjuster and she stated that I will be starting …show more content…

I am writing you because I understood Ms. Minor to say she can only go by what’s in her records and that is what Dr. Hatley reports. I highly appreciate being under your care and I have suffered and is still suffering from physical, mental trauma and financial hardship burden. I have not been compensated for my inability to work and now I am told I will only be receiving approximately two weeks of compensation benefits. Because I did not just occur this diagnosis is there any way that you can write Dr. Hatley to get him to revisit my medical records so the insurance adjuster will understand this injury did not just happen. I did not receive medical attention that was accepted by the insurance adjuster for my mental trauma until April 24, 2018 after Dr. Hatley read your report. I would ask the doctors before you after seeing Dr. Glass and they would say they did not get the report. It appears the insurance adjuster is not reviewing my entire file, she is treating me as if I just received these injuries and she is only going by Dr. Hatley’s

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