Reflection of Values and What Matters

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Everyone is different, and with different people come different values. We all can’t come to one understanding of what should be an “important” value to everyone because we cannot see eye to eye one what we should value. There are many variables that create the difference between everyone’s values, whether it’s their past, future, morals, family, cultural, or life lessons. Being a young adult, I believe I’ve managed to find what I value in my life at this point where my life has brought me. I’ve come to appreciate things that I cannot hold on to. These things I cannot have forever or will change. My values are not materialistic things, all the money in the world can afford to buy time, respect, and relationships. I’ve come to comprehend that time cannot be possessed. Time does not wait for anyone or anything. Although it cannot be touched it can be seen. It will continue regardless if you beg it to slow down or stop. It will not undo itself for you. With a blink of an eye, time can utterly change lives whether. I’ve come to value time regardless if it’s others or mine own. I barely recall my grandmother on my mother’s side. She was my only grandparent that was still alive when I was born. I wished that I would have had the extra time to remember her better. She past a few years after I was born and I can scarcely remember her faint face. As I grow into a woman with age, I realize that everyone around me is getting older as well. My mother, the only woman who can see through me is a pure reason why I value time, the way that I do. With all her ill health conditions, she manages to be the core of my family. I am wishing for time to stop for me to show my appreciation for my mother for all that she has done for my family, myself... ... middle of paper ... ...tity of them. In the end, different people value different things. I am just telling what I value, but like I’ve mentioned, it will not be the same for everyone. I understand that we are all different and many variables have showed us what we should value. Values is not something that is born within a indivisual, they are taught and practice. Values aren't always presented in ones everyday life. This makes it easliy forgetable, but value has such a great power over someone just by it's meaning. The meaning can just remind someone of who, what, and why ones value is worthy to them. Just seeing this essay "reflection on value" brought up many things that were important to me. It took me to deep thoughts and emotions that I have. It also reminded me of what I consider my values and how I was taught of them and how i should teach it, because it can easly be forgotten.

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