Reflection Paper On Mindful Consciousness

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Mindful Awareness Reflection Journal
1. Acknowledge
Describe your experience Chapter 6 from Tools for Mindful Living concerted on stretching the body. I discovered this chapter to rest as an introduction into mindful body movements, or yoga. These stretches presented an experience for clearing the mind, rejuvenating energy flow, and permitting relaxation. When I accredited my body’s limitations, I felt a desire to further progress, aiding my body along the way. Through the chapter readings, stretching activities, and meditation experience, I learned distinctive mindful practice stretches that I can incorporate into my daily routine to nurture my body.

2. Intentional Attention
Describe what you noticed
BREATH: When practicing mindful stretches, …show more content…

The mindful stretches presented in this chapter existed simple to follow, as they presented both visuals and descriptions. Because this chapter did not contain a vast array of information, it rested as an involvement chapter. I came to accept that as we advance in the course, less text emerges and more experiences arise. We are seizing the learned information and positioning it into practice. Although I was slightly hesitant to perform the stretches in this chapter, after completing them, I felt the positive effects. My mind cleared, my body felt rejuvenated, and my judgments …show more content…

Action Toward Change
Intention/willingness; new perspective Following the chapter readings, stretches, and medication experience, I reached the decision to alter my perspectives on mindful stretching. Since I first experienced mindful stretching, or yoga, I perceived its powerful effects, but failed to stick with the practice. I aspire to implement these stretches back into my daily routine, or attend a weekly class, to aid in my mindful living. These stretches positively impact every facet on the body, serving as a renewal process. I am willing to put time aside each week and focus on myself, as my body rests sacred.

5. Mindful Meditation Experience (Mindful Practice)
What did you notice about your meditation experience this week? My meditation experience this week improved prominently, compared to the past two weeks. For the first time in this course, body movements, stretches, stood incorporated into the meditation experience. We refocused from concentrating on a relaxed mindset, to relaxing the whole self – body, mind, and soul. By incorporating more of myself into the experience, I found the experience to embrace a greater impact. I did not stand distracted by the external environment, but rather focused on the

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