Reflection Paper On Marriage

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In the beginning God has always taught us that marriage is a bond between two people that should be shared with love and support among the couple. I have made many changes in my marriage throughout this class. My husband and I are taking time with each other at the end of each day discussing what we had done at our jobs. This gives us a little bit of time to spend with each other after our daughter has gone to sleep. We normally spend most of our time talking as a family and then everyone goes to bed. I realize that we were not spending time alone with each other at the end of each day. “Communication is basically an act of the will, not a matter of personality” (Chapman, 2014 p. 55). I know that as a couple we need this communication with each other to help to build a stronger bond in our marriage. We both understand that love is much more been an emotional and physical connection with each other. God has taught us that love is about empowering the other person, being patient, and understanding the needs of your partner. I have also learned to step back from the leadership role and allow my husband to take on this role within the family. This allows him to feel more empowered within the family unit and give him the respect he deserves as a husband. “As a team, the husband and wife are to work together under God to determine the …show more content…

“Stable and strong family life can be achieved by recapturing and practicing the biblical concept of family, which entails covenant of love and manifestation of that love through the grace, empowerment, and intimacy” (Balswick & Balswick, 2014 p. 369). These things can only be achieved if the family unit works together as God intended us to. It should not matter what type of family we come from, or where we live all that matters is that we love and respect each

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