Reflection Paper On Gym

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Welcome to my gym! Where lunkheads and beauty queens are welcomed alike. Now you must be thinking, what is a couch potato like me doing among the ‘Incredibly Hairy Hulks’, retired drill sergeants, and obnoxiously loud social butterflies? News flash, I have no idea. For the entire month of February, I challenged myself to go to the gym, to cut out all unhealthy foods, and to be a positive force to be reckoned with for thirty days. I went to the gym because I wished to live healthier, to become more in touch with myself, to see if I could not learn what the gym had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover I had not lived. I want to prove that I can do this, not for others, but for myself. Most people are uncertain about themselves and live hastily, but through dedication to live healthy, it has helped me live more for myself. Since I’m apart of the cool 10% in high school that drives, transportation was no issue. I would often go at different times of the day, and was surprised in my findings. I found that when you go to the gym at different times, you often find different people with dramatically different stories. In the early mornings, …show more content…

What she told me stuck me so unreasonably hard. Of course living organic is a way of life, because once you go organic you never go back. As my aunt was hitting me with facts about Climate Change and recycling left and right, my uncle had his own plans cooking. I can’t stress enough how much in shock I was when my uncle pulled up on the side of the road, and took me hiking on one of biggest, and only, waterfalls I’ve ever seen. I was so clueless as to what where we were going I wore heels and a skirt. Guess who had to hike more than 3 miles? Yup, me. Not only was this an exciting birthday surprise, it really motivated me to adding even more healthy foods to me and my family 's

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