Reflection Paper On Aviation

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Self Reflective Essay Growing up I was always fascinated with airplanes and the flying world, so from a very young age I knew that I was going to pursue a career as an airline pilot. Over the years my passion for aviation continued to grow and I was extremely thrilled to finally make my dream a reality when I enrolled in the aviation program here at the University of Oklahoma. Coming into the program I had very little knowledge of aviation as a whole, but I did know that the aviation world was coming to a point where the need for commercial pilots was beginning to increase dramatically. I even got to speak with a few Delta and American pilots this summer and all of them said, “we need more young people to step up and become pilots or …show more content…

I knew that in order to become a pilot you definitely needed to know how to fly a plane, and to get an internship with an airliner you need to have the grades; however, I never considered taking into account getting involved with the community and the aviation program in order to make your resume stand out. Every guest speaker and alumni pilots of the aviation program talked about how getting they got involved with programs like SAC, NIFA, or just helping out with aviation events really helped them get a job with an airliner since it was another item they could add to their resume. As the semester continued I decided that it would be a huge resume builder to join a few of these organizations like SAC and even getting to help with the aviation festival because it was rewarding to see how much kids loved airplanes and how one day they would become a pilot so it reminded me a lot of me when I was a young boy. Also joining SAC this year was incredible since I got to meet so many new people in the aviation program as well as going down to Dallas to see the American Airlines training center since one of my possible goals is to work for American Airlines one day, but also getting my name out to recruiters and hearing them say that they will be scouting me shortly made me literally almost pass out and getting to represent the aviation department was worth every …show more content…

Justin’s speech quickly grabbed my attention because he too had the same dream like me where he came to the University of Oklahoma and hoped that one day he would become an airline pilot; however, he still found happiness in the aviation world by being an operations manager and that’s certainly not an area I’ve considered about working for. I found that Justin’s job was way more complicated than I thought it was because I thought as an operations manager you just had to handle small parts of the airport. Instead, he handles literally every part of the airport from the gates, which aircraft is in services and which ones are in repair, handling delays, and even helping employees load up cargo and luggage on and off the aircraft. After hearing everything that he does, I thought to myself “I would never want to do his job”, but I surprised to hear that he absolutely loved his job as operations manager. Considering the fact that he got a job with Southwest Airlines I knew that they loved to have fun with their employees, yet one thing he said was that it wasn’t just about having fun with the employees, but also with the passengers. As Justin would go on to explain the

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