Reflection On Race And Gender

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This essay explored one 's experience of race/ethnicity and gender. It really made you think about your personal experiences based on your race/ethnicity and gender. For me it actually made me think deeply about how my race/ethnicity and how my gender has affected my life. There were a series of seven questions split into two parts, one based on race and ethnicity and the other part based on gender.They were the following : " What were the expectations and influences of parents, peers, schooling, religious training, mass media, and other agents of socialization on race/ethnicity?" Have you ever felt that you were treated differently than others because of your race or ethnicity. How did this make you feel?" What effect does your gender, class, age, …show more content…

Everyone who was a male in my family was kinda on the same boat when it came to acting like a man. We learned from each other the ways of manhood. But as i recall the times i came close to to those contradictory influences was out of pure curiosity. I am a curious kid by nature. I am interested in the world around, in anything and everything. So, when my cousins who were females would come around, I would engage in some of their girly activities not knowing it was frown upon for boys to do that. One event that marked a significant transition in my gender identity happened about a few months ago. Well lets say I wasn 't the most ideal figure of man. I was really quiet, I spoke as if i was whispering and I was antisocial. I would also complain a lot if things didn 't go my way. It wasn 't till that fateful night of me almost giving up volleyball, two weeks of completing over life and an influential speech from my good friend Greg Scott that i realize that all the stuff I am doing is not going to fly past in the real world. So I pledge to make a change to myself. I pledge to be stronger, talk more, be more confident and more social and here we are

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