Reflection On Job Shadowing

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Helping others and watching how they enjoy learning and how excited someone can get by learning something new is such a great feeling. That was the feeling that I would have when I volunteered to help Mrs. Cheryl and Mrs. Connie with the after-school migrant program for my job shadowing service and senior hours. I had never job shadowed before but it was such a great experience and it taught me more than I thought it would. I also volunteered for Mrs. Huffmaster, the art teacher here at MHS to paint windows around town for christmas. Volunteering for Mrs. Cheryl and Mrs. Connie was such a great experience, even though I it was also somewhat difficult for me. The after school program is offered for migrant students which they are mainly hispanic students and in different grade levels. When I first went and talked to Mrs. Cheryl to see if I could volunteer for her, I thought that the kids there would have not been as smart as others, or some of them would have not spoken english correctly many things crossed my head. Yet the first day I went and got to know them better I knew I was wrong, each and every one of those students were smart in their own ways. At first I also thought that I was going to have no patience with the kids, and then again I proved myself wrong, I loved being around them and helping …show more content…

Some challenges that I had was that the program had many grade levels and I could not keep up with what each student needed help with or what they had to study to improve. To overcome these challenges I helped each grade level at a time, I helped with kindergarten, then with 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 4th and so on. Having the privilege to help and see how the students improved made my happy. What surprised me the most in this experience was seeing how much a child can learn if you just have patience with them and try to show them that you actually care about them and their

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