Reflection Of Personal Ethics And Values In Educational Education

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Educators are often considered the expert or leader when dealing with stakeholders (parents, community, government, officials) in the educational realm. As the educational leader you must always think of your actions, thoughts, reactions and their effect on others. Yasir and Mohamad (2015) states, “leadership is known as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.” Due to an era of accountability our (educators) actions and behaviors are often perceived as; what you see is what you get. As a leader we have to present positive and effective actions. As an educator, I have adopted a family motto: “It’s the appearance and when doing, do it with a spirit of excellence.” This is a reminder to watch what you say and do, simply because you don’t know who’s watching you. The motto helped to shape and identify my personal ethics and value system. As a leader I want to exhibit the qualities of honesty, authenticity, integrity, and trust.
Ethics and Values …show more content…

Value and ethics are used as a criteria for decision making. The National Defense University (n.d.) explains this very well as; values determine what is right and wrong, and doing what is right or wrong is ethics (par. 11). With these thoughts in mind I completed the Center for Ethical Leadership Core Values Exercise. This exercise help you identify your larger set of values (Center for Ethical Leadership, 2002). The following qualities help to explain what I use to become a successful

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